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Is Microsuction Safe For Ears?

1 January 2024

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Sussex Audiology Centre

0330 3203 413

If you’re experiencing problems with your ears due to ear wax building up in your canals, it’s important to clear the ear wax as soon as you can. Not just because living with blocked ears is uncomfortable and affects your hearing, but ear wax build ups can eventually lead to ear infections if not cleared.Our ears are incredibly sensitive so it’s important that we deal with any blockages in the safest way possible. There are different methods to remove ear wax blockages. One such way is microsuction. At Sussex Audiology Centre, we aim to use microsuction in most cases as it’s the most gentle method and leads to much fewer complications. Not only is microsuction safe, it’s also more comfortable, more effective and very quick. 

What exactly is microsuction ear cleaning?

Rather than using water to flush out the ear wax as is the typical method for syringing and irrigation, microsuction uses a tiny vacuum to remove the wax. The audiologist or healthcare professional carrying out the procedure will use a microscope to see into the ear canal. The tip of the vacuum is very thin, allowing clear access to the wax blocking the canal. The tool removes the ear wax cleanly. The sound of the suction can be slightly uncomfortable, but otherwise the whole process isn’t invasive. 

In order for all the wax that has accumulated to be removed in one sitting, audiologists usually request that you use olive oil ear drops for a week before the appointment. This softens up the ear wax so it can be easily removed using microsuction. 

What are the pros and cons for microsuction?

As with all medical procedures, microsuction has advantages and disadvantages. It is, however, regarded among audiologists and health professionals as the most reliable and safest method of removing excess ear wax and clearing blockages. Here are the pros and cons of the procedure: 


  • As a dry procedure, there is a reduced risk of infection
  • The procedure is quick and efficient, taking less than 30 minutes
  • Studies show that microsuction carries the lowest risk of complication out of all the ear wax removal methods
  • Has a high effectiveness rate, removing 95-99% of ear wax during a single sitting


  • Produces a loud sound during the procedure that can be uncomfortable
  • Needs to have the ear wax softened using olive oil drops for a week before
  • Not always suitable for patients with a perforated eardrum
  • Can potentially worsen an existing ear infection or inflammation in outer ear canal

To find out more about the benefits and contraindications of ear wax removal, you can read our blog that goes into further detail here

Why do I need ear wax removal?

In the UK, over two million of the population suffer from impacted ear wax. It’s very common, especially in people over the age of 65. Hearing loss associated with ear wax build ups accounts for a large portion of hearing loss cases and is treatable, making it essential to treat as soon as it begins to become a problem. Microsuction has a high effectiveness rate and so has the full potential to restore hearing after a single appointment. If you are encountering hearing difficulties due to ear wax, you’ll be recommended to have microsuction or to have your ears syringed. Microsuction is also used to clear any foreign objects stuck in the ear canal. 

If you have problems such as hearing loss, tinnitus and ear ache, the best thing to do is see your doctor. They will assess the issue and determine the cause. Your doctor will then be able to recommend the best treatment to remove the blockage. Either you can go down the NHS route or opt to see a private audiologist at your earliest convenience. What you decide is ultimately up to you, however it’s imperative that you see a registered audiology professional who has the correct training and experience to safely carry out the procedure. At Sussex Audiology Centre, all our audiologists are fully trained to treat all manner of hearing-related cases. We can even carry out microsuction at your home during a visit so you can have the treatment from the comfort of your home without worrying about travelling.

How can I avoid ear wax build ups?

Ear wax is our natural defence against infection and the way we keep our ear canals clean and healthy. Some people are naturally more susceptible to excess ear wax building up and becoming impacted – either due to producing too much ear wax or because their ear canals are naturally narrower than usual. We tend to recommend that you avoid taking matters into your own hands when trying to remove ear wax as, more often than not, you can make things worse by pushing the ear wax deeper into the canal using cotton buds. The best way to help your ears to clear ear wax naturally is to use olive oil ear drops that softens the wax so it’s easier to pass out of the canal. You can then clean the ear wax from the outer ear, avoiding issues such as impacted ear wax and ear infections.

How to book a microsuction appointment

If you’re based in or near the Sussex area, you should be within driving distance of one of our audiology clinics. You can arrange to have microsuction through our website using our online booking system. It’s worth noting that you can’t have microsuction on the day you book. We will need you to use olive oil drops for a week before we see you for the treatment. This makes sure that the ear wax is softened up so we can remove the blockage easily during a short appointment. 

You can also book an appointment by giving your nearest clinic a call. You can see where we are based and what numbers to call here. If you have any concerns about your hearing or are encountering symptoms such as ear ache, we can also arrange for a hearing test as well as assess the condition to see if there are any further issues. If you use hearing aids, we can run maintenance checks and assess their condition while treating your ears. Any question, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can send any questions you have using our contact form.

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“Lovely and friendly. Helped me amazingly remove my wax buildup comfortably. And offered to clean my other ear free of charge as it was only ever so slightly blocked. Highly recommend visiting here for your ear troubles.”

Scott Pullen

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