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Covid Protocol

Covid-19 – Caring for you


The three Sussex Audiology clinics are open for Microsuction, Hearing tests and Hearing aid fitting at Hove, Goring and Haywards Heath Nuffield.  Following guidelines from the Governing Bodies that regulate both Audiologists and ENT consultants, we have modified our practice, appointment times, patient management and layout to suit the current climate.

Ben Tranter and the team at Sussex Audiology Centre

We are strictly operating on a one patient/client in our premises at a time, accompanied if required by one carer, partner, family member or friend but where possible from the same household


* We would strongly ask where possible that you come on your own. We are hoping to achieve no crossover with patients so the waiting room is effectively closed.

* We are operating on a locked door system as we do not want any ‘walk in’ customers to disrupt our safe practice measures so please turn up on time and not before, this will avoid any patient crossover.

* We will take your temperature at the front door with a thermometer scanner on your forehead

* If you can then clean your hands with the hand sanitiser provided and wear a mask which we provide.

* There is no need to approach the reception desk. After your consultation you will be directed to a safe area observing the 2metre distancing rule until the reception is ready to accept payment where necessary. You will be instructed when it is safe to make any payments if required.

* We will be wearing appropriate recommended PPE equipment for the appointment undertaken, this may be some of or all of the following and we may ask you to wear a mask that we would provide if necessary.

Mask  Goggles   Apron   Gloves

* We have Clinell Wipes and Alcohol Gel available in all rooms and will clean rooms in the extended gaps between patients.

* Except for emergencies we ask that you do not use our restrooms either.

* Before leaving our premises, you will be asked to keep your mask on and sanitise your hands thoroughly

Following the guidelines

Please bear in mind that we are following the guidelines of our governing bodies. These safety measures will be put in place to protect all our patients and ourselves whilst providing a service.

If you have any questions regarding our Covid-19 protocols or about an appointment, please get in touch with our centres in Hove (1273 778977) and Goring By Sea (03303 203 413). Until the Haywards Heath Nuffield is released from NHS duties we will be unable to hold any clinics there.

When booking an appointment

When booking an appointment either by phone or email we will ask the following questions which will then be assessed as to whether an appointment is viable.

Thank you for booking an appointment with Sussex Audiology at our Hove or Goring Branch. Please tick at least one box below and all that apply *


o   I or someone in my household has contracted Coronavirus (Covid-19) within the last 14 days

o   I or someone in my household has had a new, continuous cough within the last 14 days

o   I or someone in my household has had a loss of taste / smell in last 14 days

o   I or someone in my household has had a high temperature (37.8C or over) within the last 14 days

o   I or someone in my household has been feeling unwell in the last 14 days

o   I or someone in my household has been advised to shield by a health professional / authority

o   I or someone in my household has been in contact with a Covid-19 infected person within the last 14 days

o   I as the person needing wax removal have a perforated ear drum that is not healed

o   In the last 14 days no-one in our household has had any Covid-19 symptoms or is aware of being in contact with Covid-19

“We look forward to meeting you at one of our local branches in Hove, Haywards Heath, Goring-by-Sea and Lewes or on a home visit if that better suits your needs (for hearing aid assessment, microsuction ear wax removal, and video otoscopy).”

Give us a call on 0330 3203 413

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“Lovely and friendly. Helped me amazingly remove my wax buildup comfortably. And offered to clean my other ear free of charge as it was only ever so slightly blocked. Highly recommend visiting here for your ear troubles.”

Scott Pullen

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