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Can Ear Wax Cause Vertigo? Understanding the Connection

10 February 2024

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Sussex Audiology Centre

0330 3203 413


Vertigo, that unsettling sensation of the world spinning around you, can be both alarming and disorientating. While vertigo can have many causes, one often overlooked culprit is earwax. Yes, something as simple as a waxy build-up in your ears could be behind those dizzy spells. But how exactly does this happen? In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between earwax and vertigo, and what you can do to find relief.

At Sussex Audiology Centre, a family-run business serving the community for over 25 years, we often help people facing this exact issue. Our aim is to make sure you feel informed and supported every step of the way.

What is Earwax?

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. It acts as a protective barrier, trapping dust, bacteria, and other foreign particles from reaching the delicate inner parts of your ear. Earwax also helps lubricate the ear canal, keeping it healthy and free from infections.

In normal circumstances, earwax makes its way out of the ear naturally. However, when too much earwax builds up or becomes impacted, it can cause problems.

How Earwax Accumulates

One of the most common causes of smelly ear wax is an ear infection. When bacteria or fungi invade the ear, they can cause inflammation, leading to a foul-smelling discharge. Infections often come with other symptoms, such as pain, swelling, or hearing loss.

Impacted Ear Wax

Earwax typically moves towards the ear opening, where it dries and falls out or is washed away. However, sometimes earwax doesn’t exit as it should, leading to a blockage. Factors such as using cotton buds, wearing hearing aids or earplugs, and even genetics can cause earwax to accumulate and become impacted.

If this happens, the earwax can become lodged deep in the ear canal, causing a range of symptoms, including vertigo.

Symptoms of Excessive Earwax

Excessive earwax can cause various symptoms that affect both your hearing and balance. These include a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, earache or discomfort, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness, and vertigo. When these symptoms persist, especially dizziness or vertigo, it’s crucial to explore whether earwax might be the root cause.

The Link Between Earwax and Vertigo

Can earwax cause vertigo? Yes, it can. Vertigo caused by earwax build-up occurs when the wax puts pressure on the eardrum or interferes with the normal function of the inner ear. The inner ear plays a crucial role in maintaining your balance, and any disturbance in its function can result in dizziness or vertigo. In some cases, the blockage of earwax can lead to what’s known as “earwax vertigo.” This happens when too much earwax builds up in the canal, causing pressure changes that affect the inner ear’s balance system.

Other Causes of Vertigo Related to Ear Issues

While earwax is a common cause of ear-related vertigo, it’s not the only one. Other conditions that can cause vertigo include Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which occurs when small crystals in the inner ear become dislodged, triggering vertigo. Labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the inner ear caused by infection, can also lead to dizziness and balance issues. Additionally, Meniere’s Disease is a chronic disorder affecting the inner ear, which causes vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. If your vertigo persists even after addressing earwax issues, it may be worth investigating other possible ear-related causes.

Diagnosing Earwax-Related Vertigo

If you experience symptoms such as clogged ears and dizziness, or a blocked ear with dizzy symptoms, it’s advisable to visit a healthcare professional. A doctor or audiologist can perform a quick and painless examination to check if earwax is the culprit. Using an otoscope, they can look into your ear canal and determine whether earwax blockage is causing your vertigo. If impacted earwax is present, they’ll recommend an appropriate course of action to resolve the issue.

Treatment Options for Earwax Buildup

If you suspect that earwax is causing your vertigo, there are several treatment options to consider. Over-the-counter ear drops can help soften the wax, making it easier to remove naturally, which is often recommended for minor blockages. Ear irrigation, performed by a professional, involves flushing the ear canal with water to remove built-up wax. This method is safe when done correctly but should always be handled by a trained professional. Microsuction is one of the most effective and safest ways to remove impacted earwax. It uses a gentle vacuum to remove wax without damaging the ear. In some cases, a doctor may use special instruments to manually remove the earwax, especially if it’s deeply impacted.

How Long Does Dizziness Last After Ear Wax Removal?

If earwax was the cause of your vertigo, you should start feeling relief soon after the wax is removed. However, it’s not uncommon for dizziness to persist for a short while after treatment as your body readjusts. If the dizziness lasts more than a few days or worsens, you should consult a healthcare professional.

Prevention Tips for Earwax Buildup

To prevent earwax-related vertigo in the future, avoid inserting objects like cotton buds into your ear canal, as this can push wax deeper inside. If you use hearing aids or earplugs regularly, ensure they are kept clean and properly fitted. Occasionally using ear drops can help soften wax, making it less likely to become impacted. Regular ear checks, especially if you are prone to excessive earwax, can also help keep vertigo at bay.

When to See a Doctor

While earwax build-up is often harmless, if you experience persistent vertigo, dizziness, or hearing loss, it’s time to see a doctor. Additionally, if you’ve tried home remedies and the symptoms remain, professional help is essential. Vertigo caused by earwax can be treated effectively, but prompt diagnosis is key to preventing further discomfort.

Say Goodbye to Earwax-Related Vertigo!

Earwax can indeed cause vertigo, and understanding the connection between earwax buildup and balance issues can help you take the right steps towards relief. If you’re experiencing symptoms like blocked ears and dizziness, you don’t need to suffer in silence. At Sussex Audiology Centre, we specialise in addressing ear health issues, including earwax-related vertigo. As a family-run business, we’ve been helping the Sussex community for over 25 years. We’re here to ensure you get the care and attention you need for a healthier, more balanced life.


Can earwax cause vertigo?
Yes, impacted or excessive earwax can press against the eardrum, affecting the inner ear’s balance system, leading to vertigo.

How can I tell if my vertigo is due to earwax?
If you experience dizziness along with symptoms like ear fullness, hearing loss, or tinnitus, earwax may be the cause. Consult an audiologist for a proper diagnosis.

What are safe methods to remove earwax at home?
Using over-the-counter ear drops can help soften earwax, but avoid using cotton buds, as they can push the wax deeper into the ear canal.

When should I seek medical help for earwax issues?
If home remedies don’t relieve your symptoms or if you experience severe vertigo, hearing loss, or pain, it’s best to consult a doctor or audiologist.

Can regular ear cleaning prevent vertigo caused by earwax?
Yes, regular professional ear cleaning can help prevent wax build-up and reduce the risk of developing vertigo.

Are there any risks associated with professional ear cleaning?
When performed by a professional, ear cleaning methods like microsuction and irrigation are generally safe. Avoid attempting to remove earwax yourself with sharp objects.

Does ear wax removal help with vertigo?
Yes, removing impacted earwax often alleviates vertigo symptoms.

How do I know if earwax is causing dizziness?
If your dizziness coincides with a feeling of blocked ears, hearing loss, or ear discomfort, earwax might be the underlying issue.

Can clogged ears trigger vertigo?
Yes, clogged ears due to earwax can disrupt your balance and lead to vertigo.

What are the symptoms of too much wax in your ears?
Symptoms of excessive earwax include ear fullness, hearing loss, tinnitus, earache, and dizziness.

Ready for Relief? Contact Us Today!

Don’t let earwax disrupt your balance or quality of life any longer. Contact Sussex Audiology Centre today for a professional consultation. Whether you need a simple earwax removal or a more in-depth diagnosis, we’re here to help. Let our family look after yours, and get back to feeling like yourself again!

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“Lovely and friendly. Helped me amazingly remove my wax buildup comfortably. And offered to clean my other ear free of charge as it was only ever so slightly blocked. Highly recommend visiting here for your ear troubles.”

Scott Pullen

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